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Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Paul the Octopus Dead Before the World Cup Final 
Paul the octopus, sea creature who correctly predicted the results of matches in the 2010 World Cup turned out to be dead a long time. At least that is claimed by a Chinese filmmaker Xiao Jiang as saying that Paul did not die on Tuesday, October 26, 2010.

According to Xiao, Paul died since three months ago. Exactly two days before the 2010 World Cup final was held. Paul had seen the world, said Xiao, a different octopus that acts as a substitute.

As reported by Yahoo Xtra, Xiao sure to 60-70 percent if Paul's death occurred last July. No one is aware of this because, according to Shaw all look the same octopus.

Xiao statement coincided with the release of a new film made. The title was not far from the issue that is thrown is, "Who killed Paul the octopus?"

The film tells about the life behind the magic of the octopus. Xiao also confident that the staff at the aquarium Sea Life Center in Oberhausen, Germany, (residence Paul) feared that this fact later revealed.

But the staff has dismissed these allegations. They remained at the beginning of the revelation of who called Paul to death with a reasonable way. 

Read More Other Unsolved Murders Mysteries article!

Unsolved Murder Mystery   :  Cannibal woman    

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

marijdan corpse found in the position of the roof timbers. 
The bodies of a man who allegedly Mbah Maridjan found in prostration. Bodies that wear batik hit it in the position of the roof timbers.

Men whose real name is Mas Penewu Suraksohargo believed to have died. Team doctors have convinced 80 percent that the body Mbah Maridjan. In fact, the Sultan Palace are sending physical characteristics Mbah Maridjan for cross-checked.

Yesterday, members of the SAR team, Subur Mulyono, which convey Mbah Maridjan corpse was found at 05.00 yesterday morning. "Mbah Maridjan found in the prostrate position of being at home," said Lush in this hospital, Yogyakarta, yesterday.

When found, its position was still prostrate in the room. According to Agus Winaryo, assistant Mbah Maridjan, Mbah Maridjan died while in a position of worship. Here

Merapi Mountain Java-indonesia erupt 
Mount Merapi again showed its activities. At approximately 16:16, Thursday, October 28, 2010, Merapi pyroclastic launched aka wedhus trash.
"There are hot clouds glide again. This time the high 3.5 kilometers," said Head Vulkonologi and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Surono, when contacted VIVAnews, Thursday, October 28, 2010.

Surono explained, this time the hot clouds leads to the south of Merapi.

Regarding the allegation of loss of life, Surono claimed not to know. "I have not received the report," he said.

On October 26, Merapi twice out hot clouds. When the incident wedhus trash spewed hot clouds from Merapi on Tuesday, October 26, 2010, at around 17:02 pm and warning sirens in the village mengaung Mbah Maridjan, a number of journalists who were at home Kuncen was successfully evacuated.

Our friend, Yuniawan Wahyu Nugroho, who familiarly called 'Mas Henry' a victim along with Mbah Marijan and 29 other people when it was in the village Kinahrejo. (Hs)

Sister Beauty This turned out Robot

Japan is well known as a crazy state of technology. Recently, a local company introduced a prototype robot designed to resemble the nurse who actually nurses at the hospital.

As quoted from page, robot nuns 'The Actroid-F' is expected to be used to assist treatment and patient care in hospitals.

Kokoro is a robot company that has this crazy. Not only focus on creating a functioning robot, the company also seeks to realize the physical form of robots as real as possible: interesting and beautiful.

Robot designers create synthetic skin from silicone so it will give a soft touch for patients treated.

Although unable to walk or sit, it looks so real robot with facial expressions generated. This beautiful robot can speak, smile, and flashes as the computer settings.

Meanwhile, the Japan Times Online writes, the Japanese government also introduced a prototype robot nurses that is projected to start working for the public interest the next five years.

But, not yet known manifestation of this government version of a robot nurse. To be sure, governments and developers in Japan still continues to experiment and formulate safety standards

China Operate the World's Fastest Train

The Chinese government today began operating two units of the latest super-fast trains. Bullet train is claimed as the fastest in the world.

According to news agency Associated Press, the Chinese government said the cart was built with domestic technology. The train was first served Shanghai-Hangzhou route.

The train is capable of driving CRH380 type nearly 420 km per hour. But the service manager only tolerate a maximum speed of 350 km per hour.

Nevertheless, this train still broke the world record since surpassed the speed of a train that has been made a fellow of China, namely CRH2, the speed 250 km per hour.

Railway Ministry spokesman Wang Yongping, said the technology, designs and devices are the property of CRH380 China. However, he acknowledged that this super-fast train program initiated in cooperation with Japan and other countries.

"Now other countries want to cooperate. They all want our technology, "said Wang.

One of the high-speed rail development is the largest Beijing-Shanghai route, which costs up to U.S. $ 32.5 billion. Pathway that will save travel time up to five hours of this plan will be open from 2012.

Railway transportation development program is one of China's achievement in the pursuit of targets 13,000 kilometers of high speed railway in 2012. Efforts to develop high-speed train technology is a program in conjunction with efforts to improve China's space technology that aims to boost national pride.

In fact, China plans to make the technology train with a speed of 500 km per hour.

Detection of Personality Through Mobile Phone Number 
According to numerology expert, a combination of numbers that one phone number can lead a person to death. Just like when telescoped personality according to horoscope, you can also see it through numerology.

According to numerology expert from India, Dr. Seema Midha, as quoted by the Times of India, be very careful in selecting the ten digit mobile phone. That's because cell phone numbers have a significant effect on energy distribution.

With the right number you could create a balance when energy excess or shortage. Here's a picture of personality and a tendency by many repeat numbers in the phone number.

Many of the numbers 1person cell phone number there is a lot of numbers one tends to like to talk. This could damage the relationship with superiors and derail his career.

Many of number 2To the owner of the phone number there is lots of number two, tend to have high expectations of a relationship. They are too easily offended. 

Many number 3Too many numbers on the number three mobile phone to make people more creative. But will the negative side they tend to neglect the family.

Many number 4Many figures in the number four mobile phone will make you become a who like to analyze but to excess.

Many number 5If there is a lot number five on the cell phone number, you can fail in establishing a balance between personal life and work.

Many point 6Six is the number of Venus. Thus, the number six brings a lot of opportunities to you. But you will find it difficult to adapt.

Many of the number 7 many repetitions the number seven on the phone can make you experience an unstable love life.

Many point 8 If there is a lot number eight, could make you too quick to give judgments without seeing the whole situation.

Many of the number 9

The positive effects of the number of nine digits on your cell phone number to make full devotion. But this makes one ignore her own.  

* To improve the careerSelecting your phone number with the right combination can also increase career. If you are targeting academic achievement, the input number 4, 9, and 2 in the cell phone number. If you want to increase the creativity of the input numbers 1, 3 and 9.

Then for those working in the fields of politics, make sure there are numbers 4, 3 and 8 in the cell phone number. Dr. Seema also advised the athletes to enter 2, 7, and 6 in their mobile number.

Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

10 World Best Modern Adventure

1.Sir Ranulph Fiennes

In 1979, Sir Ranulph Fiennes with teammate Oliver Shepard and Charlie Burton as the first man to circumnavigate the globe over both poles. Travel is very heavy as far as 110,000 miles or about 200,000 km to get to the place with the most extreme conditions. Is called extreme because of the conditions 'normal' temperatures in the polar regions only reached -50 o C (minus fifty degrees Celsius. Just for comparison, the average temperature in Indonesia is 30 oC. Of course you still remember basic physics lesson that water freezes at a temperature 0 oC. But that's not how. For when the storm is usually accompanied by high winds, temperatures at the poles could drop to-84o C or more.

In 1984, he recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records.persimpangan Antarctica and find the lost city of Ubar in Oman, which had been buried in the sand for nearly 2000 years.

on 20 May 2009, at age 65 he successfully reached the top of Everest and listed himself as the oldest man to reach the top of Mount Everest successfully.

2.Mike Horn

In 1999, the modern South African adventurer Mike Horn is set to circumnavigate the globe along the equator without the use of motor vehicles. Latitude Zero expedition that began in Gabon, from the Horn who crossed the Atlantic Ocean in the eight-meter trimaran. He traversed South America and Africa at the foot of the mountain bike. Since completing Latitude Zero expedition, Horn has reached the North Pole on foot and climbed two peaks 8,000 meters. Currently, he led the Pangaea Expedition, a four-year expedition around the world young people who intended to enhance environmental protection and conservation of natural resources.

3.Dr. Bertrand Piccard

Dr. Bertrand Piccard (born March 1, 1958, age 51 years) is a psychiatrist and balloonists Swiss.Ia origin born in Lausanne, canton Vaud. His grandfather Auguste Piccard and his father, Jacques Piccard, known as the balloonists and inventors.

Growing up in a family of balloonists and seabed explorers, Bertrand was always fascinated with flight. As children, he was taken to the launch of several spacecraft from Cape Canaveral. He became a hang-glider pilot and have an interest in ultra-light aircraft flight, also a record of gas balloons printed by his grandfather.

He is a lecturer and supervisor of the Swiss Society for Medical Hypnosis.
March 1, 1999 Piccard and Brian Jones took off with the balloon Breitling Orbiter 3 from Château d'Oex in Switzerland in sirkumnavigasi first balloon non-stop around the world. They landed in Egypt after the flight as far as 45,755 miles for 19 days, 21 hours and 47 minutes. Upon this success, he received awards including the Harmon Trophy, the FAI Gold Air Medal and Charles Green Salver.

In 2004, he announced a project with the Ecole Polytechnique bekerjasam federales de Lausanne (EPFL), for a solar-powered glider aircraft, long distance, and a single seater named Solar Impulse. The project is dubbed as "the greatest human adventure." Piccard plans to make it in 2007, and did a short test flight in 2008. He received financial and technical support from several European firms, so that seems to Solar Impulse is a European plane, not the Swiss, although knowledge support provided by EPFL. The plan was to circumnavigate the globe with some reserve pilot, flying above the clouds in the daytime and at low altitude at night at a time in 2011.

4.Ed Viesturs

Ed Viesturs, a high-altitude mountaineer, do not be afraid to not make the summit. In the first attempt to climb Mount Everest summit, he turned only about 300 feet short of the above, because the conditions are not ideal. Viesturs has a motto: "Getting to the top is optional, getting to the bottom is mandatory." It's he who has a reputation as the most cautious climber. However, he had saved his life more than once and did not prevent him to achieve that goal. In 2005, Viesturs became the first American man and became the 14th of the world reached peak 8000 meters.

5.John Goddard

The true adventurer John Goddard; at age 15, he made a list of 127 adventure challenge and spend their entire life examined one by one. Until now, that has been achieved Goddard 109 items from the original list plus more than 500 additional items added he. List the item as covering diverse as Mount Kilimanjaro climb, ride an ostrich and appeared in the movie Tarzan. In this process, he has accumulated the world's few civil records as a pilot jet. Goddard of achievement that includes the entire length of excavated from the river Nile and Congo, the return step-Marco Polo and Alexander the Great, dove the Great Barrier Reef, learned to fance, and witnessed a cremation ceremony in Bali. (Whew mayan nih also become one of Bali one goal, hehehe).

6.Tudor Parfitt

Dubbed "the real Indiana Jones," He started petualngannya in the 1980's when he met with members of the tribe Sheet, a tribe in southern Africa are believed to have offspring for the Jews of ancient Israel. Sheet Parfitt said the story of "ngoma" - wooden containers used to store sacred objects. Parfitt soon came to believe that the object may be lost Ark of the covenant. He began under Zedekiah Caves of Jerusalem. To explain the term in the Indiana Jones, the red line on the map left Jerusalem to Jordan, then to Yemen, which extends into Egypt, Ethiopia, and landed in Zimbabwe. His work is the principal 2008 documentary and a book.

7.Benedict Allen

Benedict Allen planned an expedition from the Orinoco River to the mouth of the Amazon, Allen developed a plan that he would do it all for future trips: Instead of relying on sponsors, so he immersed himself in protecting the environment and indigenous peoples in the hope that they will help him in his journey. Allen finally did cross the Orinoco with local community groups, but in the process he caught two types of malaria, has been invaded by gold miners and have to eat their own dog to survive.

Allen is the author of seven adventure travelogues, and have some documentary about his journey. The first one, The Raiders of the Lost Lake, follows his journey through the Peruvian jungles to find "wild lake" home "super snake."

8.Rob Gauntlett and James Hooper

both aged 21 years, In 2008, the National Geographic Society gave the name "Adventure of the Year" by completing the journey as far as 22,000 miles from magnetic North to the South Magnetic Poles. They are only human and natural forces to achieve this accomplishment, through Greenland dogsledding, cycling through the United States and sailed to the Antarctic. On top of the fact that the expedition has never been attempted by anyone before, never existed before people who sail or dogsledding experience. He is Rob Gauntlett and James Hooper. The couple had just climbed Mount Everest without having previous experience rises, picking up as their skills go.
Gauntlett died while ice climbing in the French Alps in January 2009.

9.Jason Lewis

Jason Lewis is an adventurer from the UK, in 1994 he shared with his friend steve smith trying to circumnavigate the globe using only human power without the help of mesin.namun five years later steve smith left the adventure in Hawaii in 1998 to pursue other interests when they tried to cross the Pacific from San Francisco to Australia while jason lewis continue his adventures, he crossed the 5 continents, 2 oceans and seas.

To begin his adventure, he first bike ride as far as 3,000 kilometers from Turkey via Bulgaria, Romania, Austria, and Germany until Oostend in Belgium, where boats are waiting.

During the voyage around the world, he sank in the North Atlantic Ocean, suffered fractures both legs, chased by crocodiles in Australia, and was arrested on charges of spying in Egypt and carries a penalty of 40 years in prison.

Lewis, who berewokan and looked tired, crossed the Greenwich Meridian line at the Royal Observatory by carrying his boat. He was assisted by his supporters and fans.

10.Tom Avery

At 27, Tom Avery became the United Kingdom termudaa who reached the South Pole on foot. into the spotlight of his career in 2005, when he set out to repeat the expedition ever undertaken in 1909 Robert Peary to the North Pole. Peary expedition became a controversial subject because within 37 days, Peary succeeded in crossing 413 nautical miles in the arctic, it is considered impossible because of too cepat.Dilengkapi with dogsleds timber similar to that used in 1909 and Peary's journal, Avery tried to confirm his ascent. In the end, he and his team managed to reach the Pole in 36 days, 22 hours and 11 minutes, a full five hours faster than Peary.

Results of X-ray photo Extreme

1. Lance Armstrong
This is the x-ray picture crotch champion Tour de-France, lance armstrong.

2. Bertindikan spear fisherman
Emerson de Oliveira Abreu find a very horrible experience while diving off the coast of Rio de Janeiro when his brain pierced by 6-inch spear. The report said, he himself has a spear which stabbed, shot at the reef, but bounced back, and finally bribe her skull bone so deep. He is under the knife (surgery) for 5 hours before he himself was surprised and stated out of danger. Wow !!!!!!!

3. Unsheathed in skull
Michael Hill of Jacksonville Florida was stabbed in the head with a 7-inch knife by an unknown person who appeared at the door, 2007. He currently holds the Guinness World Records, Title: "Greatest Objects that are removed from human skulls."

4. Chinese girl who's sad
X-ray of Luo Cuifen, a 29-year-old Chinese girl who was found to have 23 sewing needles in his body. Cui fen complain about blood in urine, the end of 2007 and when the doctor did an x-ray her, find a sewing needle float and spread across his body, was lodged in the kidney, liver, lungs and other vital organs. There has been speculation that the needle is inserted when she was a baby, because some needle was broken to pieces. He said that his grandparents certainly responsible for this because they expect the boy when he was born. But this will never be confirmed because both his grandparents died. Her feelings would hurt to know this ...

5. Stabbed Afghan Children
X-ray of a boy 10 years Afghanistan was stabbed in the head in deeply when he tried to protect his father from a customer who has gone berserk. He was rescued and is operated by Britain's Territorial Army Reserve and has survived this horrible incident.

6. Leg of a chair in the eye socket
Horrible. x-ray of the skull Shafique el-Fahkri, 19-year teenager from Melbourne, Australia. He was rushed to hospital last February 2007, after he was attacked by another teenager was 19 years old in a bar brawl at a nightclub. He unsheathed with chairs and one chair leg penetrated his head, just below his eyes directly into his neck. That metal chair gan!

Metals have been successfully removed from teen's head after three hours of complex surgery.

7. Nailgun Accident
X-ray Patrick Lawler, 23 showed a four-inch nail embedded in his head, was taken in January 2005. The accident happened 6 days ago when Lawler suffered construction accident in which nailgun backfired and one nail through his mouth. He did not see the nails in his mouth until he felt only a very painful toothache is accompanied by blurred vision.
After a visit to the dentist she realized what was in his head for nearly a week. It was removed after 4 hours of surgery left him with less than $ 100,000, - hospital bills. Oh no.

8. Toddlers with car keys lodged in his brain
Horrible! Nicholas Holderman x-ray when he was 20 months. He deliberately stabbed with a key in his eye while playing in the living room with her brothers. Doctors remove the key from his eyes, no brain damage. Merciful Lord!

9. Nailgun accident is even more awesome!
Construction worker, Isidro Mejia, fell from the roof, unfortunately falling on top of other colleagues using the nail gun. 6 drove nails into his head Mejia, menghujum his brain and skull base. He survived the surgery!

10. Brave Little Girl
8-year-old girl from Indiana was rushed to hospital after he accidentally swallowed balls of steel and magnetic toy sets. He was immediately operated on, survived the surgery after being treated in hospital for 2 weeks.

11. Dogs penelan knife
A Saint Bernard swallows 13-inch knife in 2005. He's fine after surgery and it happened just leaving 8-inch scar.

12. Comb is a killer.
X-ray Louis Pepe, when he was stabbed by a comb in the skull, in 2000. He lost his left eye and right eye is also affected. Comb caused him a lot of damage: crippled right arm and leg and his ability to speak. The attacker was sentenced to 23 years in prison, not fair ya gan?

13. The risk of having surgery
6-inch surgical scissors left inside the woman's abdomen after surgery. Pat Skinner, have undergone surgery in 2004 for colon surgery in a hospital in Sydney, Australia. 18 months after surgery, he suffered excruciating pain in her stomach. When he did x-rays, they found a 6.7-inch scissors. Traumatic.

14. Knives are haram?
A boy aged 16 was stabbed in the head with a knife in 2007. The incidence of an unusual supermarket.

15. The man with nail in skull
South Korean men complain about a very bad headache and the doctor found a rusty nail on the head rest. Doctors say that the nail was embedded in the skull four years earlier. That's very very long!