Note: The following article is part of Doug Krieger’s book chapter: “ALTARS – ANCIENT EGYPT TO THE APOCALYPSE, Part IV, Section 4 – The Wonderful Numbers of Sacred Canon”
It would be logical to commence this immediate study of the Altars of Sacred Canon at their “dimensional inauguration” – the Tabernacle in the Wilderness…for therein is a continuity, a logical sequence of expansion from the Wilderness to Solomon’s Temple and thence to the grand Millenarian Altar seen in Ezekiel’s futuristic Altar; however, we have decided that, and although the overt mentioning of the *Sacred Cubit’s 25.20” does not occasion the text by name as in “cubit” in reference to this Sacred Altar, the impress of the New Jerusalem is, however, written all over its measurements – for the Great Pyramid of Giza is the most measured artifact of antiquity…the world’s only wonder among the original seven still standing.
“There is another general cubit length that is referred to by the Jews frequently. It is 21.6” in length. ‘This cubit was also much used by the Jews, and is so often referred to that it has eclipsed the 25.1” cubit in most writings. The Gemara names three Jewish cubits of 5, 6, 7 palms, and as Oppert [Julius Oppert] shows that 25.2” was reckoned 7 palms, 21.6 being 6 palms, we may reasonably apply this scale to the Gemara list, and read it as 18, 21.6 and 25.2 inches [Note: The “palm” or “handbreadth” is considered 3.6”.]
There is also a great amount of medieval and other data showing this cubit of 21.6 to have been familiar to the Jews after their captivity; but there is no evidence for its earlier date” (Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 28, p. 484).
The prophetic implications of the Great Pyramid of Giza’s platform/pyramidion or capstone are awesome – for it is known as the “Altar unto the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt.” This entire edifice, also known as “a pillar to the Lord at its border,” is considered a genuine altar whereupon “sacrifice and offering” are made; however, its Capstone captures the majority of our attention as the Divine Platform raised to the heavens and truly exemplary of the immensity of that Altar unto the LORD, for the “Altar” in Sacred Canon is likewise a WITNESS in the Land of Egypt (cf. Joshua 22:21-29, esp. vs. 27 “but that it (the altar) may be a witness/testimony between you and us and our generations after us….”).
Yes, “Altar to the Lord at the border of Egypt” – for this Altar is astounding, and memorializes the “sacrifice and offering” on that yet future day of reconciliation wherein “Israel will be one of three with Egypt and Assyria—a blessing in the midst of the land, whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, ‘Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance’” (Isaiah 19:24-25)…for:
“In that day there will be an ALTAR TO THE LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the LORD at its border (lit. Giza). And it will be for a sign and for a witness to the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt; for they will cry to the LORD because of the oppressors, and He will send them a Savior and a Mighty One, and He will deliver them. Then the LORD will be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians will know the LORD in that day, and will make sacrifice and offering; yes, they will make a vow to the LORD and perform it” (Isaiah 19:19-21).
In determining the measurements of the Capstone atop the Great Pyramid of Giza (GPG) we must keep in mind that its “ratio” and proportion must be precise. Therefore, since the base of the GPG is 756 Linear Feet and its height is 480 Feet, its ratio is calculated as follows: 756/480 = 1.575; therefore, after a somewhat exhaustive research on the possible measurements of the GPG’s “missing” Capstone, we have determined that its base side is 13.5 Linear Feet or 162” (Imperial British inch) – consequently, if the ratio were 1.575 we would simply use the common formula in inches to determine the height of the GPG’s Capstone (solving for “x” as the height of the Capstone):
- 756’/480’ = 9072”:5760” = 1.575
- 162”/x = 9072”/5760” = 933,120” = 9,072”x
- x = 933,120”/9,072”
- x = 102.857” (Height of GPG Capstone)
- This calculation of the Capstone’s base and height and its ratio to that of the overall GPG substructure is virtually in perfect harmony with the 11/7 ratio of the GPG wherein 11/7 = 1.57 and, of course, we immediately notice that the 11:7 ratio presents two number sets “11” and “7” which when added together constitute the Standard Measurement of the New Jerusalem or “18” (11 + 7 = 18). (Note: The 11/7 ratio can be seen in the 440/280 (Egyptian Royal Cubit) configurations. This 440/280 is 11:7 or 1.57; therefore, the Tribnet’s calculations have gravitated to this overwhelming evidence (see next below).
- To prove our “ratio calculation” and our Capstone’s elevation we simply divide 162” / 102.857” = 1.575 which equals to our GPG base and height overall measurements: 756’/480’ ratio of 1.575. Please note: “The proportion 440/280 = 11/7 equate to pi/2 to an accuracy of better than 0.05% [corresponding to the well-known approximation of "Pi" as 22/7]. Some Egyptologists consider this to have been the result of deliberate design proportion. Verner wrote, ‘We can conclude that although the ancient Egyptians could not precisely define the value of “Pi”, in practice they used it’. Petrie, author of Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh, who was the first accurate surveyor of Giza and the excavator and surveyor of the Pyramid of Medium, concluded: ‘but these relations of areas and of circular ratio are so systematic that we should grant that they were in the builder’s design’. Earlier in the chapter he wrote more specifically, that: ‘We conclude therefore that the approximation of 7 to 22 as the ratio of diameter to circumference was recognized’. These proportions equated to the four outer faces sloping by 5.843” or 51°50’34”, which would have been understood and expressed by the Ancient Egyptians as a seked slope of 5 1/2 palms.” – The Great Pyramids in Egypt).
- From here we can calculate that 1/56th constitutes the Capstone insofar as height and base concern in that 02.857” x 56 = 5,759.992” or 5,760” (5,760” is the number of inches in the height of the GPG as in 480’ x 12” = 5,760”). Some place the height of the capstone at 103” (Note: In so-called Pyramid Inches).
“Hence we know the relation of the present top of the core masonry to the base of the Pyramid. The top is, rather strangely, not square, although it is so near to the original apex.” (The Pyramids and Temples of Giza – Flinders Petrie – See #25 of Pyramidion (Top) measurements as well – some say the height of the GPG is between 480’ to 481’ naturally affecting sundry Pyramidion measurements). Sir Petrie’s range of measurements in 1881 and then again in 1882 determined the existing top measurements between 224.5+/-.7” to 214.1+/-.3” (at its present top base) whereas our arbitrary calculation of the GPG’s original pyramidion/capstone to be at a consistent 162” perimeter per edge or 648” perimeter and its elevation based on the 1/56th or 1.575 ratio to be 102.857” height (higher up than Petrie’s base measurements; see below).
Now, I am fully aware of the tedium involved here; however, the Imperial British “inch” so achieved is no small matter and, unfortunately, there are some scoffers who are determined to bash the notion that the “inch” was not around during these ancient times; however, it most certainly was but in other forms which ultimately then and now constitute the very distance as now observed – the least of which is the “beautiful calculation” that irritates the daylights out of the metric folk who for the life of them cannot fathom why the brilliance of the British captured these calculations: How many inches are there in a mile (bizarre request)? Answer: 5280’ = one Statute Mile x 12” = 63,360” = beautiful, isn’t it? How’s that? – Do the math: 6 + 3 + 3 + 6 = “18” which is the Standard of Measurement of the New Jerusalem for when you multiply her 12 cubed-edge perimeter and arrive at 18,000 miles you also arrive at: 18,000 x 5280 = 95,040,000 Linear Feet (which happens to be at apogee the distance between the Earth and the Sun) and x 12” = 1,140,480,000 inches which just happens to be “18” again as in 1 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 8 = 18 which is the Standard Measurement of the New Jerusalem or 63,360 * 18,000 = 1,140,480,000 inches.
I realize that they who surmise the arbitrary nature of the “system of 12” researched and standardized by the British and known as the “Imperial System of Measurement” and consider it quaint and without significance, do so, without historic appreciation for antiquity – and just how “tremendous” is it working with a base of “10” – and I am not bashing metrics…in some aspects it’s great; but, really, is it all that scientific and reasonable to define a meter as: The distance that light emitted by a cesium 133 atom transitioning between the two hyperfine levels of its ground state wherein it will travel as it vibrates exactly 9,192,631,770 / 299,792,458 times? Biblically speaking, the metric system is a disaster! Converting “biblical numbers” to compute with metrics is naught but an exercise in futility … here is where we of the faith community – and for that matter, the general “supernatural community” – must incorporate the wisdom of this world – and before we hear them – allow me the evangelical liberty to squash my critiques who apprise and/or “discern” that I’ve gone off the deep end; wandering about the fields of the occult and Druid mysticism and what have you…brethren, I didn’t put these measurements in Scripture nor acclaim this Altar at the border of Egypt, nor the exceedingly eccentric configurations in John’s Revelation nor Ezekiel’s nigh incomprehensible measurements…. Someone else did, and did so for obvious reasons – reasons which are not the exclusive purview of the occult….
“By linking the English units [today’s British Imperial Measurements] with those of classical metrology, it also justifies making the English foot the prime unit of reference. Modern researchers who accept the fiction that the English units are of recent origin, and adopt the habit of expressing the values of the old measures in terms of the newfangled meter, thereby disguise from themselves the most significant aspects of ancient metrology, its basis in canonical number. Were it not for that aspect, the business of establishing the exact values of the old units would be of merely academic interest. The fact that those units, as here calculated in English feet, exhibit the same scale of numbers as found in ancient music and geometry is what makes the system of ancient metrology so relevant to the study of traditional science.” (The Dimensions of Paradise, John Michell, pp. 114-5).
“Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge…Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest, or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened or who laid the cornerstone thereof?” (Job 38: 2-6).
Exposure of the “Metricksters” is well documented, yet, our “educational systems” continue to languish in error:
“In June of 1792 a project was commenced that would have major social, commercial and industrial repercussions for the two centuries that followed. Learned astronomer savants, Jean Baptiste-Joseph Delambre and François-André Méchain commenced a project to measure a curved segment of the Earth’s surface in order to create a whole new measurement system. The idea was to mathematically calculate the distance from the North Pole to the equator on a meridian line that ran through Paris. Delambre worked from the north of France, beginning his survey at Dunkerque, while Méchain worked from the South, commencing his survey in Barcelona, Spain. After 7 difficult years and many privations, including imprisonment in Spain for Méchain and a very real risk of losing his wise head on the guillotine for Delambre, the two met in Carcassonne to compare notes, returning to Paris together as heroes of the day.
“Sometime later, after a thorough analysis of the field notes, a platinum bar was fabricated that became the new metre, representing a ten millionth of the distance from the pole to the equator. Unfortunately it was .02mm short of the mark, which in accruing values represented a major discrepancy.
“Blame for this faux pas is laid on Méchain, who supposedly didn’t add his field note sums up correctly. Delambre is also held ‘culpable’, for realizing there was a mistake, but deciding to let it go unreported to the general public. Well, that’s the story we get anyway, but did these savants really make a mistake or was the outcome deliberate and contrived?
“The metrication incentive could be described along the lines of a wimpish, little boy sent forth to do a strong man’s job! It is to metrology what Esperanto is to languages…It doesn’t make the grade and, in an overall sense, simply wastes everyone’s precious time in a naïve pursuit, which was prematurely initiated in an era lacking the essential scientific capability to achieve a reasonable result.
“The metric system is an incomplete entity or orphan and could not have subsisted by itself in antiquity. The ancient civilizations used the whole range of numbers, from 1 to 13 and increases thereof. They needed progressions in 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, as well as PI, PHI and a multitude of fractions. The metric system, most certainly, existed in antiquity, alongside all of the other number systems. The full family of numbers was capable of addressing all contingencies and demands of science and ancient industry. Ancient societies would have viewed it as sheer madness to discard over 90% of the complete system in order to work with only one of the number categories. Using the full system, in individual families of numerical progressions, was the only way of monitoring, calculating and remembering the difficult astronomical cycles or principles of navigation. The Egyptians counted in base 10 and so did everyone else amongst the cousin peoples…but they used ‘6, 7, & 11’ numerical families, etc., (in base 10), as well.
“The metric system was instituted, primarily for the convenience of bankers and bean counters. It’s a nightmare for engineers and anyone else who has to work to refined tolerances. Carpenters can get by with it, as they generally work to visual tolerances that are within the capabilities of metric rulers. Trying to fashion chronology systems on a metric basis is nigh on impossible. We do, however, need the convenience of a metric system, within a wider metrological system, for some limited, decimalized functions.” (Ancient Weights, Volumes and Measurements, Martin O., Auckland, New Zealand, November, 2002)
Egyptian Royal Cubit vs. the Solomonic/Moses Sacred Cubit of 25.20”
An insertion would be appropriate here with an initial introduction to the subject presented by Jacob J. Boaz:
“…20.62 inches [See also Tim Lovett’s Cubit References] is presumed to be the standard unit of measure for the Great Pyramid, this is an erroneous figure based on the fact it does not conform to the ancient’s methods, the correct figure for the Royal Egyptian cubit is as an Egyptian Fraction (1+1/2+1/5+1/55 feet) if we are going to be exact. This being equal to 189/110 feet or 20 34/55 inches written as 20.618181818… inches in decimal form. A Royal Egyptian Cubit of 189/110 * 440 gives a base length of 756 feet. To verify this figure for the Royal Egyptian Cubit I used the following logic. The Pyramid perimeter base of (756 * 4) equals 3024 feet. Using the ancient’s circle formula described above produces the following:
(3024 / 176 = 17 2/11 feet (17+ 1/6+1/66 feet) or (206 2/11 inches)
“This dimension equals the width of the Kings Chamber within .004 inch of J. H. Cole’s measured width as noted in his 1925 Survey Paper # 39, dividing by ten verifies the length of the Royal Egyptian cubit to be 20 34/55 inches. By rounding numbers we miss the ancient’s concepts, using fractions eliminates this possibility.” (Great Pyramid Reveals a New Idea, Jacob J. Boaz, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1988-2007, all rights reserved)
The GPG’s most formidable archaeologist/metrology expert, Sir William Flinders Petrie, determined that the GPG was calculated using the “Egyptian Royal Cubit” of measurement of 20.632” (not the 20.618181818…” as per Boaz/Cole above); therefore at the GPG’s base measurement approximates 440 Egyptian Royal Cubits; and, these 440 cubits x 20.632” = 9,078.08” (slightly more than the 756’ x 12” = 9,072 inches, which measurement totals “18” and is significant by most and, most certainly, confers the GPG as that Pillar unto the Lord at the border of Egypt; however, 755’ has also been used to calculate the base by some so that 755.35’ x 12” = 9064.2 inches. Sir Flinders Petrie base measurements are as follows:
Length of Sides:
West: 755.76 feet
North: 755.41 feet
East: 755.87 feet
South: 756.08 feet
West: 755.76 feet
North: 755.41 feet
East: 755.87 feet
South: 756.08 feet
However, if the more precise measured Egyptian Royal Cubit is utilized as per Boaz at 20.618181818 in our calculation it would give us: 20.618181818 x 440 Egyptian Royal Cubits (440 as per Petrie, Cole, Boaz) = 9,071.9999999 …which, obviously, is our preference in that 9,071.9+ is virtually 9,072 which equates to the 756’ x 12” = 9,072 inches per the base of the GPG or 440 Egyptian Royal cubits of 20.618181818 = 9,072 inches (as well). We are reminded that the figure of 20.618181818 is somewhat astounding in that the repetition of the “18” is so endlessly pronounced, giving us ample evidence that the GPG’s recourse had in mind the ultimate Standard of the New Jerusalem as its “monumental” effort seemingly conveys.
Likewise, Petrie’s elevation of the GPG stands at 280 Egyptian Royal Cubits or 280 x 20.6” = 5,768 inches; whereas 480’ x 12” = 5760” – however, some calculate the height of the GPG at approximately 480.69’ x 12” = 5,768.28” or nigh the 280 Egyptian Royal Cubit height of 5,768” (Note: 20.618181818”+ * 280 Egyptian Royal Cubits = 5,773.091 inches or 481.091 feet.). Due to the GPG’s exposure to the elements of weather and earth’s instability, and our data derived from sundry ratios aforementioned – and nigh the measurements of perhaps the world’s foremost archaeologist, Sir W. F. Petrie – we are altogether confident that those who built the GPG had these ratios (1:575) in mind for base and height; therefore, the height was 480” and the base side was 9,072 Linear Inches. The GPG Capstone bears out these ratios and is 162” (base) by 102.857” (height), maintaining the ratio of 1:575, as well as the 1/56th of the GPG overall size. (Please also see in this article: Ezekiel’s Millenarian Altar – Ezekiel clarifies the 25.20” Sacred Cubit.)
The measurements completed in 1926 by J. H. Cole on behalf of the Egyptian government on the GPG have recovered, as Michell suggests, “the measures used by its builders.”
Of immediate fascination to this author is the somewhat astounding “number sets” recognizable in the 500 Egyptian Royal Cubit calculation of 18.144” (length) or the 1.512’ of the same wherein the “18” of the New Jerusalem is glaringly revealed, as well as the “144” or Wall of the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:16-17) and, of course, the 1.512’ as two 756’ base edges of the GPG and the number set 1512 as the Greek Gematria for the word Apocalypsis – all three of these are revealed in the Egyptian Royal Cubit and clearly demonstrate its “properties” are in sync with the Hebrew Cubit of 25.20” wherein 756’ x 4 (base edges) = 3,024’ (or two sets of 1512’) x 12” = 36,288” / 25.20” = 1,440 Hebrew Cubits or the 144 of the Wall of the New Jerusalem and, as seen in the 18.144” Egyptian Royal Cubit wherein the “144” is clearly seen and the “18” (again) of the overall New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement; likewise, we see “parallels” in this: 756’ x 4 = 3,024’ x 3 (cubed 12-edged GPG) = 9,072’ and 18.144” (Egyptian Royal Cubit) x 500 (such cubits) = 9,072” (the one-edged base of the GPG @ 756’ * 12” = 9,072”) – therefore, as a “number set” the 9,072 12-edged/cubed GPG is equal to the 500 cubit (18.144”) base side of the GPG or 1 edge.
Likewise, we see the Egyptian Royal Cubit manifested here:
“The dimensions given allowed the Great Pyramid’s coding to be read according to a combined ‘6 & 7’ series of numbers (e.g., 11/7), founded upon the value 42. As will be demonstrated, the known length standards of all ancient cousin civilizations of the Mediterranean Basin will perfectly fit into these dimensions. These include: a Greek mile of 5250 feet, a stadia of 630 feet, a short stadia of 525 feet, a reed of 10.5 feet, an Assyrian Royal Cubit of 25.2 inches, a Hebrew/ Celtic Royal Cubit of 21 inches, an Egyptian Royal Cubit of 20.61818182-inches, Hebrew cubits of 17.5 & 16.8 inches, Greek feet of 12.6 inches, Roman feet of 11.666666 and 11.664 inches, etc. Areas would be read in pyramid acres of 28800 square feet (ref. Herodotus).” (Ancient Weights, Volumes and Measurements)
Getting back to the “missing capstone” (i.e., the “pyramidion”) – from a theological perspective – it is determined that the “stone (or “capstone”) which the builders rejected (i.e., Jesus) the same has become the chief cornerstone (or the capstone itself)” (Matthew 21.42; Mark 12:10; Luke 20:17; I Peter 2:7). Likewise, the Second Advent will mark the fulfillment of the adumbrative language found in Zechariah 4:7-10 wherein it states: “And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of ‘Grace, grace to it!’”
The first historical mentioning of the missing capstone was made by Diodorus Siculus around 100 B.C. who did not mention the peculiarity of its absence; therefore, it has been surmised that the pyramid is “thought to have always been absent its capstone.”
The Amazing Capstone Measurements
The graphic below was especially prepared to highlight the “Altar unto the LORD in the land of Egypt” on that prophetic day not many days hence. The turmoil in the Middle East is, nevertheless, fraught with promise in that the prophecy found in Isaiah, yet unfulfilled, will one day find glorious expression in the most unlikely location, and upon its very capstone.
But the measurement of the missing capstone – regardless of its absolute elevation – is proportionate in keeping with the entire 11/7 ratio of the Great Pyramid of Giza throughout; however, the proportional 1/56th area has been taken in that its commensurate ratios are exceedingly precise, lending credibility to our thesis that the capstone or altar in the land of Egypt has a more prophetic role to play among the Gentiles on that day. Nearly 30’ is now missing atop the GPG. Egyptian authorities were going to place a capstone atop the GPG in celebration of the year 2,000 – but the millennium celebration fizzled – awaiting final fulfillment . . . for it is an “Altar of sacrifice and offering.”
The calculations are impressive – in that they persistently attest to the measurements of the New Jerusalem – just as the entire GPG attests.
- The perimeter of the base of the Capstone = 162” x 4 = 648” = 18 NJS (as in 6 + 4 + 8 = 18)
- The Capstone’s base length of 162” x 162” is a perfect square at its base whose sq. in. calculations produce a product of 26,244 sq. inches or “18” as in 2 + 6 + 2 + 4 = 18.
- If the base measurement is used as one edge of a “cubed capstone” we will arrive at this calculation: 162” x 12 = 1944 Linear Inches = 18 (as in 1 + 9 + 4 + 4 = 18 = the Standard Measurement of the New Jerusalem’s “18”)
- The 26,244 sq. inches at the base of the capstone x 6 cubed sides = 157,484 sq. inches / 144 (the Wall of the New Jerusalem) = 1,093.5 = “18” (as in 1 + 9 + 3 + 5 = 18)
- The capacity/volume of the “cubed capstone” = 162” x 162” x 162” = 4,251,528 cubic inches = “27” which attests to the full revelation of the Messiah in Christian Sacred Canon, 27 Volumes; therefore, the “fullness” of the Capstone is the Messiah, the Deliverer.
- The Circumference of a circle – using the height of the Capstone as the circle’s radius is found by the formula:
Circumference = 2 * Pi * radius or C = 2 * 3.14 * 102.857 = 646” and 6 x 4 x 6 = 144 = The Wall of the New Jerusalem.
- The height of the Capstone @ 102.857 is 1/56th the height of the 480’ GPG or 480’ x 12” = 5,760” / 56 = 102.857
- The 162” base edge of the Capstone is 1/56th of the 756’ Linear edge base of the GPG or 756’ x 12” = 9072” / 56 = 162”
- The perimeter of the Capstone @ 162” x 4 = 648” is 1/56th of the entire base perimeter of the GPG or 9072” x 4 = 36,288 / 1/56th = 648” = “18” (6 + 4 + 8 = 18) New Jerusalem Standard.
- The Number “9” is comprised of the Triune God “3” and man “6” (3 + 6 = 9) and 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 = 362,880 or 36,288 is a fractal of 362,880 and both equal to “27” – the revelation of Messiah in the 27 volumes of Sacred Christian Canon.
- 362,880 x 10 x 11 x 12 x 13 x 14 x 15 x 16 x 17 x 18 = 6,402,373,705,728,000 = 6 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 7 + 3 + 7 + 5 + 7 + 2 + 8 = 54 = 5 + 4 = 9 or 5040 is the Optimal Number of Plato / 2 = 2520 which is the measurement of the Sacred Cubit or 25.20”
- Note: All number/number sets when multiplied by 25.20” will have a product whose “digit sum” is equal to “9” – reflecting the universality of God + man wherein the Eternal Triune God’s (3) desires fellowship/relationship for eternity with Man (6) – for example, choose any number 1 to 1,000,000+ and multiply it by 25.20 and the result will be a product whose sum of its digits is equal to “9” – 47092084093990 x 25.20 = 1,186,720,519,168,548 = 72 = 7 + 2 = 9 (simply add all the digits and the answer will always be “9”)
- All increments of “9” will result in a multiplicand which can also produce a product of “9” as the sum of its product digits – e.g., 9 + 9 = 18 x 386278 = 6,953,004 = 6 + 9 + 5 + 3 + 4 = 27 = 2 + 7 = 9…or 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 45 and 45 x 2870427772 = 12,934,249,740 = 45 = 4 + 5 = 9.
- A “cubed Capstone/Pyramidion” (using its one base edge as the primary edge) = 12 x 162” = 1,944” and 1,944” (cubed Capstone’s 12 edges) is 1/56th of the entire cubed GPG using its 9072” one edge x 12 = 108,864” (which is a reflection of the Moon’s Radius of 1080 miles and the Sun’s Diameter of 864,000 miles and 108,864 is most probably the Number of the Sum of the World Soul (Plato) = also, 108,864 totals “27” (as in 1 + 8 + 8 + 6 + 4 = 27) and 27 is the full revelation of Messiah in Christian Sacred Text (27 volumes) and it “appears” as 108 = 18 and 864 = 18 or two sets of “18” (the New Jerusalem Standard) and 18 + 18 = 36 which is the expression of the Eternal God, without Beginning or Ending (as a circle) and 108,864” / 56 = 1,944” which is equal to the twelve-edged cubed Capstone, and, 1,944 = “18” New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement (as in 1 + 9 + 4 + 4 = 18).
- Note: The discovery of the sum number of the World Soul has troubled scholars for centuries since Plato proposed it – normally, 34 to 36 “number sets” have been chosen whose total sum and matrix, Plato believed, would be the only possible instrument of fair, humane government; such a ruler would have the benefit of a constant mathematical standard as guide and reference in all things. We at the Tribnet concur with the concept; however, we affirm that such a constellation of number sets and their sum is found in the New Jerusalem Matrix – that constellation of number sets whose total reflects the perfection of harmony and relationship so anxiously sought after by worldlings but glaringly presented in the apex of the Apocalypse: the New Jerusalem…and substantiated by the Sacred Cubit measurement of 25.20”, as well as confirmed by “33” (Messiah’s climactic number of death, resurrection and ascension) and by the ultimate Standard of Measurement within the New Jerusalem itself, 18, which when its digits are summed, total “9” (1 + 8 = 9), a number, as is 25.20, presents maximum versatility and, consequently, is representative of the Triune God (3) + Creation/Man (6), depicting the Almighty’s quest for eternal relationship (viz. the Lamb’s Bride).
- The Cubed side of the Capstone = 162” x 162” = 26,244 sq. inches x 6 sides = 157,464 = 27 (Messiah in the 27 Volumes of the Christian Sacred Canon) / 144 (the Wall of the New Jerusalem) = 1,093.5 = “18” New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement.
- The base perimeter of the GPG in inches is 9072” and 9072” x 9072” = 82,301,184 sq. inches (also “27” – the area measurement of the base of the GPG) x 6 (cubed GPG) = 493,807,104 (digits add to “36” the eternal God without Beginning or Ending) / 144 = 3,429,216 = “27” (Messiah revealed in Christian Sacred Canon)
- Therefore, from the Capstone to the Base of the GPG the Eternal God (36) is working through the Son (27) to produce the New Jerusalem (18).
“In that day Israel will be one of three with Egypt and Assyria – a blessing in the midst of the land, whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, ‘Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance” (Isaiah 19:24-25).
The interior of the GPG is covered in the first part of this special series in The Purposes of God – Video #13 and #14 on the Great Pyramid of Giza. Their measurements become increasingly clear, even to the most skeptical among us, that these interior galleries and passageways with their peculiar ascending and descending structures go far beyond a superficial tomb for an unknown Pharaoh – the GPG is a “step pyramid” having no cultural link to the Egyptians, for the Shepherd Kings built to masterpiece of antiquity…the world’s most massive artifact of history past. They were purposefully designed by builders motivated to declare their dimensions reflect the eternal purpose of the Almighty for humankind – as an irrevocable monument – Pillar to the Lord at Egypt’s border – as the supreme witness to His undertaking upon this Earth, declared to the heavens, that God and the pinnacle of His creation, man, would, through Divine Deliverance – Sacrifice – be united in eternal fellowship, known as the Holy City, New Jerusalem, descending from heaven as a Bride, the Woman, the Wife of the Lamb … for she has made herself ready for the Marriage Feast of the Lamb!
Read More Other Unsolved Mysteries article!