Unsolved Mystery - Humans have a long and complicated history, so many events - strange occurrences that can not be explained scientifically and ever recorded in history.
While historians, archaeologists, and other qualified scientists associated with this field, however, still digging, searching, studying and concluded, so that it can be more clear for us to be known and may be studied.
But there are times when an important event in history is still a mystery that can not be disclosed, explained and even solved.
Top 10 mysteries of this makes a lot of people still ask's, and probably because most of us are tired forget ..
10. Rongorongo
Although many people know about the Moai on Easter Island , but not many know about the other mystery associated with Easter Island. ' Rongorongo 'is the language of the text hard to read of the early inhabitants of the area. Rongorongo considered mysterious because there is no neighbor of oceania who uses written language. This language appeared in the 1700s, though unfortunately lost after the early European colonizers banned due to its implications to the pagan roots of the natives there.
9. Helike Lost City

At the end of the second century AD, the Greek writer Pausanias wrote an story about how (4-500 years earlier?) In one night when a powerful earthquake destroyed the city of Helike, a tsunami that wiped out anything in the big city ever developed it. City, capital of the Achaean League, was the center of worship dedicated to the ancient god Poseidon, god of the sea. There is no trace of the legend which is mentioned outside the ancient Greek writings until 1861, when an archaeologist finds the money to be attributed Helike - a bronze coin with the head of Poseidon. In 2001, a pair of archaeologists trying to find the ruins Helike under mud and gravel coast, and is currently combining the rise and sudden fall of what has become of Atlantis "real."
8. Muddy bodies

This mystery may even be a problem for investigators from CSI and such legends! Muddy corpses are hundreds of ancient corpses found buried around the northern swamps and wetlands in Northern Europe. Some of these bodies with signs of torture and "pleasure" other mid-century, which makes some researchers argue that the victims are not lucky this is the result of ritual sacrifices.
7. The collapse of the Minoan

The Minoan famous for the legend of Theseus and the Minotaur , but the fact that this is a legacy of a once great civilization and more attractive. Although many historians concentrate on the fall of the Roman Empire, the collapse of the Minoan, which occupied the island of Crete, is a mystery the same if not greater. Three and a half years ago, the island was shaken by a huge volcanic explosion of Thera on the island next to it. The archaeologists found that the record books show that the Minoan persisted for 50 years after the explosion, before they completely disappeared. Theories about what the end they have developed from volcanic ash covering the island and destroyed all their crops to the poor people are finally eliminated by the invasion of Greece.
6. Carnac stones

Everyone has heard of Stonehenge, but few know the Carnac Stones. 3000 these megalithic stones arranged in perfect rows along the 12 kilometers off the coast of Brittany in northwestern France. Mythology around the stones show that every stone is a Roman soldier who converted to stone by Merlin the Wizard. The efforts of scientific explanations demonstrate that the stones could be a complicated seismic detection devices. Identity of the Neolithic people who built it is not known. (**)
5. Robin Hood

Everyone must know the character of this friend of the common people. But the truth of this handsome man archer still a mystery. Search the history of this legendary perambok has raised a number of similar names with him. One of them is a fugitive named Robert Hod Yorkshire, also known as Hobbehod or Robert Hood of Wakefield. Search is becoming increasingly complicated as the name Robin Hood became a common term for someone who is outside the protection of the law. As literature began to add new characters to the tale such as Prince John and Richard the Lionheart, the trail is increasingly blurred. Until now, no one knew who the leader of this criminal.
4. Lost Roman army

After the Parthian army defeated the Roman General Crassus, the legend says that a small set of Prisoners of War was wandering through the desert and finally rolled up by the army of Han military 17 years later. First-century Chinese historian, Ban Gu, write a saga about a confrontation with a strange collection of approximately one hundred personnel troops who fought in the "fish-scale formation of unique" to the Romans. An Oxford historian who compared ancient records claims that the lost roman troops discovered a small town near the Gobi desert named Liqian, which in Chinese means Rome. DNA tests are being conducted to answer the claim and hopefully explain some of the army of green-eyed, blond berrambut, and fond of a fight against the bull.
3. Voynich Manuscript

The mysterious Voynich manuscript is alleged to have written in the 15th or the 16th century. Writers, script, and script language remains unknown.
Yang noted above existence, the Voynich manuscript has been the object of intense study by many professional and amateur cryptographers, including some top American and British codebreakers of World War II fame (all of whom failed to decrypt any part in the text). This string of failures has changed the Voynich manuscript became the subject of famous historical cryptology, but it also is weighted theory that the book is just an elaborate hoax, a meaningful sequence of arbitrary symbols.
book is named after the Polish-American book dealer Wilfrid M. Voynich, who got it in 1912. Voynich manuscript is currently stored in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Yale University as an item "MS 408". The first facsimile edition was published in 2005,
the overall impression given by the sheets of the manuscript suggests that it involves pharmacopoeia or discuss the topics in the treatment of medieval or early modern. However, the puzzling details of illustrations have given rise to various theories about the origins of the book, the contents of the article, and the purpose of the manuscript was made. The document contains illustrations that suggest that the book has six parts: Herbal, Astronomical, Biological, cosmological, Pharmaceutical, and recipes.
2. The European mummies in China

An amazing discovery of mummies 2000 years old in the Tarim basin of Western China occurred in the early 90s. But more amazing than the discovery itself is an astonishing fact that these mummies and long-nosed blonde. In 1993, Victor Mayer a college professor collected DNA from the mummies and the tests did prove that the bodies have a genetically Europeans. Ancient Chinese writings from the first millennium BC mention groups from the Caucasus, far eastern region known as the Bai, Yeuzhi, and Tocharian. Even so, none of that really reveal how or why these people end up in China.
1. The loss of the Indus Valley Civilization

The ancient Indus Valley civilization is India's oldest and reputed to have a culture that stretched from Western India to Afghanistan and had a bunch of people about 5 million people. Le-India's oldest civilizations, is a group of apparently healthy and impressive in the Bronze Age. The collapse of them are surprising and sudden collapse of the Maya are equal. The Indus Valley is a hygienically advanced culture with a sophisticated drainage system, and the baths are very clean dibandung. To date no archaeological description of the soldiers, slavery, conflict, or other aspects of ancient society. No one knows where this civilization went.