The British Crystal Skull and the Paris Crystal Skull
There is a pair of similar skulls known as the British Crystal Skull and the Paris Crystal Skull. Both are said to have been bought by mercenaries in Mexico in the 1890s, possibly at the same time.
They are so similar in size and shape that some have guessed that one was copied to produce the other. In comparison to the Mitchell-Hedges skull, they are made of cloudier clear crystal and are not nearly as finely sculpted. The features are superficially etched and appear incomplete, without discretely formed jawbones. The British Crystal Skull is on display at London's Museum of Mankind, and the Trocadero Museum of Paris houses the Paris Crystal Skull.

The British Crystal Skull. It is currently residing in the British Museum of Man in London, England,
and has been there since 1898. It is a one piece clear quartz full size quartz crystal skull.

The British Crystal Skull. It is currently residing in the British Museum of Man in London, England,
and has been there since 1898. It is a one piece clear quartz full size quartz crystal skull. Image Source

The Paris Crystal Skull It is currently residing in the Trocadero Museum in Paris, France.
You may notice a slight indentation on the top, which is a hole that was cut into the skull purported to hold a cross.
Mayan Crystal Skull and the Amethyst Skull
Further examples of primitively sculpted skulls are a couple called the Mayan Crystal Skull and the Amethyst Skull. They were discovered in the early 1900s in Guatemala and Mexico, respectively, and were brought to the U.S. by a Mayan priest. The Amethyst Skull is made of purple quartz and the Mayan skull is clear, but the two are otherwise very alike. Like the Mitchell-Hedges skull, both of them were studied at Hewlett-Packard, and they too were found to be inexplicably cut against the axis of the crystal.

Amethyst skull [ Image Source ]
Texas Crystal Skull (Max)
A skull known as "Max," or the Texas Crystal Skull, is a single-piece, clear skull weighing 18 pounds. It reportedly originated in Guatemala, then passed from a Tibetan spiritualist to JoAnn Parks of Houston, Texas. The Parks family allows visitors to observe Max and they display the skull at various exhibitions across the U.S.
ET Skull
"ET" is a smoky quartz skull found in the early 20th Century in Central America. It was given its nickname because its pointed cranium and exaggerated overbite make it look like the skull of an alien being. ET is part of the private collection of Joke Van Dietan, who tours with her skulls to share the healing powers she believes they possess.
Rose Quartz Crystal Skull
The only known crystal skull that comes close to resembling the Mitchell-Hedges skull is one called the Rose Quartz Crystal Skull, which was reported near the border of Honduras and Guatemala. It is not clear in color and is slightly larger than the Mitchell-Hedges, but boasts a comparable level of craftsmanship, including a removable mandible.
Brazilian Crystal Skull
This 13.8 pound life-size skull was donated to the museum's Section of Minerals by a Brazilian gem dealer in 2004.

Brazilian Quartz Crystal Skull. Image Source >>
"Compassion" - Atlantean Crystal Skull
A newly discovered Crystal skull that rivals the Mitchell Hedges Skull. Atlantean is what Maya Shaman and elder Hunbatz Men said when he first examined it at the crystal skull conference on 9/9/9.

This skull was in a warehouse in Africa for 22 years and then 7 years in storage in an import store. I found it 11 months ago today. It is human size and it has the removable jaw. It is the same dimensions as the Mitchell Hedges Skull with some added features.

Below: This view is of an Iron Oxide Occlusion between two of the 3 total layers on skull

When examined by a Dr. Minch, 20 year head of Geology dept. at the Natural History Museum in Santa Barbara showed how the front teeth or Maxilla angles to it's right! He felt this was one example of a hand carved Skull. "A machine made skull would have been straight."

This skull is now available for inspection in California.
More information can be found at: www.atlanteanskull.comRead More Other Unsolved Mysteries article!