Archive for 2013

7 Unsolved Mysteries that have puzzled scientist for decades

Some of the biggest unsolved mysteries in the world
Are you ready for some of the biggest unsolved mysteries in the world?!
Sometimes it is hard to believe that unsolved mysteries still exist in this day and age. In the last century, humankind has made extraordinary technical advancements. We have walked on the Moon, uncovered the building blocks of life itself, DNA, ventured deeper into the oceans than ever before and invented the self-strirring coffee mug! However even with our amazing progress as a species there are still mysteries out there to which the solution eludes us. Here you will find some of the most puzzling unsolved mysteries in recorded history. Mysteries such as:

The Voynich Manuscript

One of the biggest unsolved mysteries in the world
The Voynich Manuscript, one of the biggest unsolved mysteries in the world. Source
The Voynich Manuscript is a manuscript written in the Middle Ages in an unknown language using an unknown alphabet system. Attempts have been made to interpret the document for over 100 years, but there hasn’t been a single breakthrough yet. The Book includes illustrations of plants (with some of them being unknown to modern bottanists) and astronimocal information. It is possible that the book is the work of an alchemist who used codes to keep his discoveries a secret but, untill the book is decoded, no one knows for certain.
One of the biggest unsolved mysteries in the world
Like its contents, the history of ownership of the Voynich manuscript is yet another unsolved mystery. The codex belonged to Emperor Rudolph II of Germany, who purchased it for 600 gold ducats and believed that it was the work of Roger Bacon. It is very likely that Emperor Rudolph acquired the manuscript from the English astrologer John Dee (1527-1608). Dee apparently owned the manuscript along with a number of other Roger Bacon manuscripts. In addition, Dee stated that he had 630 ducats in October 1586, and his son noted that Dee, while in Bohemia, owned “a booke…containing nothing butt Hieroglyphicks, which booke his father bestowed much time upon: but I could not heare that hee could make it out.”  Emperor Rudolph seems to have given the manuscript to Jacobus Horcicky de Tepenecz (d. 1622), an exchange based on the inscription visible only with ultraviolet light on folio 1r which reads: “Jacobi de Tepenecz.” Johannes Marcus Marci of Cronland presented the book to Athanasius Kircher (1601-1680) in 1666. In 1912, Wilfred M. Voynich purchased the manuscript from the Jesuit College at Frascati near Rome. In 1969, the codex was given to the Beinecke Library by H. P. Kraus, who had purchased it from the estate of Ethel Voynich, Wilfrid Voynich’s widow.

The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is still one of the biggest unsolved mysteries in the world
The Bermuda Triangle is still one of the biggest unsolved mysteries in the world.
The Bermuda Triangle is a large part of ocean in the North Atlantic that has been the source of many plain- and boat disappearances. A number of explanations have been suggested over the years ranging from; time warps, extreme weather to alien abductions. There is substantial evidence to show that many of the disappearances have been exaggerated, but even if those were excluded from the total count, the odds of vanishing into thin air are higher in the Bermuda Triangle then anywhere else.

Saint Germain, the Immortal Count

Count st. Germaine, one of the biggest unsolved mysteries of all time
Was Count St. Germain the real Doctor Who?
Is it possible for a person to live forever? That is what some people are claiming about a historical figure known as Count de Saint-Germain. His origins are still unclear. Some records date his birth to the late 1600s, although some believe that his longevity reaches back to the time of Christ. He has appeared many times throughout history – even as recently as the 1970s – always appearing to be about 45 years old. He was known by many of the most famous figures of European history, including Casanova, Madame de Pampadour, Voltaire, King Louis XV, Catherine the Great, Anton Mesmer, George Washington and others. He has also been linked to a number of occult movements and conspiracy theories.
Who was this mysterious man? Are the stories of his immortality mere legend and folklore? Or is it possible that he really did discover the secret of eternal life?
The date of birth for Saint German is unknown, although most accounts say he was born in the 1690s. A genealogy compiled by Annie Besant for her co-authored book, The Comte De St. Germain: The Secret of Kings, asserts that he was born the son of Francis Racoczi II, Prince of Transylvania in 1690. What we do know for certain is that he was an accomplished alchemist, which means he could turn heaps of metal into pure gold. If that wasn’t a neat enough trick already, the count also claimed to have discovered the secret of eternal life! Between 1740 and 1780 Saint-Germain, who was quite a celebrity in those days, traveled extensively throughout Europe – and in all that time never seemed to age. Those who met him were astonished by his many abilities and peculiarities like:
  • He spoke 12 languages
  • He could play the violin like a virtuoso.
  • He was an accomplished painter.
  • Wherever he traveled, he set up an elaborate laboratory, presumably for his alchemy work.
  • He seemed to be a man of great wealth, but was not known to have any bank accounts. (If it was due to his ability to transmute base metals into gold, he never performed the feat for observers.)
  • He dined often with friends because he enjoyed their company, but was rarely seen to eat food in public. He subsisted, it was said, on a diet of oatmeal.
  • He prescribed recipes for the removal of facial wrinkles and for dyeing hair.
  • He loved jewels, and much of his clothing – including his shoes – were studded with them.
  • He had perfected a technique for painting jewels.
  • He claimed to be able to fuse several small diamonds into one large one. He also said he could make pearls grow to incredible sizes.
  • He has been linked to several secret societies, including the Rosicrucians, Freemasons, Society of Asiatic Brothers, the Knights of Light, the Illuminati and Order of the Templars.
Officially Saint Germain died in 1784, but of course dying equals having a bad day, when your called the “immortal count”.  He would continue to be seen throughout the 19th century and into the 20th century!
  • In 1785 he was seen in Germany with Anton Mesmer, the pioneer hypnotist. (Some claim that it was Saint-Germain who gave Mesmer the basic ideas for hypnotism and personal magnetism.)
  • Official records of Freemasonry show that they chose Saint-Germain as their representative for a convention in 1785.
  • After the taking of the Bastille in the French Revolution in 1789, the Comtesse d’Adhémar said she had a lengthy conversation with Count de Saint-Germain. He allegedly told her of France’s immediate future, as if he knew what was to come. In 1821, she wrote: “I have seen Saint-Germain again, each time to my amazement. I saw him when the queen [Antoinette] was murdered, on the 18th of Brumaire, on the day following the death of the Duke d’Enghien, in January, 1815, and on the eve of the murder of the Duke de Berry.” The last time she saw him was in 1820 – and each time he looked to be a man no older than his mid-40s.
Voltaire, the 18th century philosopher, perhaps best summed up the Count of St. Germain:
this is “a man who never dies, and who knows everything.”
Whether that’s true or not, only history knows.

Jack The Ripper

Jack the Ripper has to be the most famous serial killer of all time. He was the most active in 1888 when he committed his hideous crimes mostly in the poor Whitechapel area of London. His victims were mostly prostitutes and in some cases the bodies were found only minutes after Jack the Ripper left the scene. This was especially creepy considering the Ripper took his time to mutilate and surgically remove organs from its victims.
Jack the Ripper, the mysterious serial killer
Probably the biggest reason for the enduring appeal of this bizarre series of prostitute murders is the name Jack the Ripper. The name is easy to explain. It was written at the end of a letter which was forwarded it to the Metropolitan Police on 29 September 1988. The letter began “Dear Boss……” It went on to speak of  ”I am down on whores and I shant quit ripping them till I do get buckled…”; and went on in similar fashion. The “trade name” of Jack the Ripper was then made public and ignited both the imagination and a nation wide panic among the public. None of the 11 brutal murders were ever solved and to this day, we still don’t know anything about the identity of this mysterious serial killer and how many victims he made.
letter of Jack the ripper

The Taos Hum

The Taos hum is a low-pitched sound that can be heard in various parts of the world. It is described as sounding like the humming of a refrigerator. Strangely a lot of people hear the sound and it is known to drive some people mad, while others don’t hear a thing. The mysterious sound is also undetectable by microphones or any other electronic equipment, making it extremely hard to pinpoint the source. It is most famous for its occurrence in Taos, New Mexico, the town where this mysterious phenomena got its name from. In 1997, the United States Congress asked scientists and observers to find the source of the sound, but they were unable to do so. There are a lot of theories surrounding the Taos Hum. Some say it has to do with the thin earth crust in Taos, while others are convinced it has to do with an alien UFO that crashed eons ago and is now buried deep underground. Whatever the case may be, it sure must suck to get a good night sleep in Taos!

The Shroud Of Turin

The Shroud of Turin is allegedly the burial shroud of Jesus Christ, which bears the image of a crucified man. Despite many scientific investigations, no explenation excists on how the image could have been imprented on the cloth. No attempts to replicate the image have been succesful. Tests date the fabric back to the Middle Ages, but it’s existence has been known since at least the 4th century, and pollen and weave testing put in the time of Jesus.
Unsolved mysteries, the Shroud of Turin

 The Disappearance of Frederick Valentich

20-year old pilot, Frederick Valentich, was attempting to rack up flying time for his commercial license, flying his single engine Cessna 182 to King Island som

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Solved.. Easter Island Mystery? New Theory Says Giant Statues Rocked

An illustration of ancient Easter Islanders ''walking'' a moai statue with ropes.

For centuries, scientists have tried to solve the mystery of how the colossal stone statues of Easter Island moved. Now there's a new theory—and it rocks.
The multiton behemoths traveled up to 11 miles (18 kilometers) from the quarry where most of them were carved, without the benefit of wheels, cranes, or even large animals.
Scientists have tested many ideas in the past, figuring that the islanders must have used a combination of log rollers, ropes, and wooden sledges. Now a pair of archaeologists have come up with a new theory: Perhaps the statues, known as moai, were "engineered to move" upright in a rocking motion, using only manpower and rope.
Watch video: Easter Island statues rocking forward

Terry Hunt of the University of Hawaii and Carl Lipo of California State University Long Beach have worked closely with archaeologist Sergio Rapu, who's part of the South Pacific island's population of indigenous Rapanui, to develop their idea. They've observed that fat bellies allowed the statues to be tilted forward easily, and heavy, D-shaped bases could have allowed handlers to roll and rock the moai side to side.
Last year, in experiments funded by the National Geographic Society's Expeditions Council, Hunt and Lipo showed that as few as 18 people could, with three strong ropes and a bit of practice, easily and relatively quickly maneuver a ten-foot (three-meter), five-ton moai replica a few hundred yards (a few hundred meters). No logs were required. (National Geographic News is a division of the Society.)
picture: mount everest base camp

In previous efforts to solve the mystery, Czech engineer Pavel Pavel worked with Norwegian explorer-adventurer Thor Heyerdahl and a team of 17 helpers to propel an upright, 13-foot (4-meter), nine-ton moai forward with twisting motions, keeping the statue fully upright at all times. That was in 1986. But Pavel's team damaged the moai's base and had to stop. 

A year later U.S. archaeologist Charles Love and a team of 25 erected a 13-foot (4-meter), nine-ton model upright on a wooden sledge and moved it over log rollers, advancing it 148 feet (45 meters) in two minutes.

Meanwhile, for many of Easter Island's 2,000 or so indigenous Rapanui, descended from the original Polynesian settlers, the answer is simple. "We know the truth," says Suri Tuki, 25, a tour guide. "The statues walked."

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Tatum Family Ghost

Was the Tatum’s home haunted?

Kay says she heard the drill outside her room
Mysteries Unsolved - In a quiet suburb near Atlanta, Georgia, Jim and Kay Tatum built a new home, with plans to retire. But in January of 1986, five months after they moved in, the Tatum’s began to experience a series of incidents that would ultimately force them to put their house up for sale. One night, Kay Tatum couldn’t sleep. She sensed a strange presence in the hall outside her bedroom. When she got up to investigate, Kay caught a glimpse of a man walking past her open door:

They said a ghostly man walked by the doorway
“It was definitely a man, and he was swinging his arms lightly, and his head was slightly bent, and he walked briskly past me. At first I thought it was my husband. And I went into the bedroom and there my husband was in the bed, so I thought we had a burglar.” 
Jim searched the house:
“There was no evidence of any entry, or of anyone having been in the house. So I thought perhaps Kay had just been using an overactive imagination.”
Shortly after the incident, Kay began to suspect that it may have not been an actual living person at all:
“I had fear, and I was perplexed about what happened. And while I was tossing and turning, I suddenly remembered that I didn’t hear any sound as he passed me. I still am unable to figure out why it happened.” 

She said the drill was off, but it made noise
Two months passed without further incident. Then, one night in March, Jim was working upstairs on the house. He stopped when Kay called him down to dinner, and, as usual, made sure to unplug his drill. As the evening wore on, Jim decided to watch a movie, while Kay went upstairs to read. One hour later, Kay heard the sound of the drill outside her room. She assumed Jim was teasing her about having seen a ghost. But before long, she felt the joke had gone on long enough. But when she got to the hallway, it was empty, and the drill was unplugged. Kay Tatum:
“I was really frightened and I reached down and felt on it and it was ice cold. It had not been turned on.”
Now, Jim too started to believe something strange might be occurring:
“I was very confused, too. I knew very well that something was happening because Kay is very level-headed. And she was truly frightened.”
The strange events continued. One night, Kay heard the sound of coins falling in a bowl.  But she was alone in the room. Another time, while cooking, Kay felt two sharp tugs on her blouse:
“After that incident, I decided we had a problem in this house. There was something going on. It wasn’t something that we could understand or explain, but there was something definitely going on.” 

Did a small bell ring on its own?
The occurrences all seemed to center around Kay. Terrified by what was happening in their house, Jim and Kay turned to an expert for help, parapsychologist William Roll:
“The question comes up, why is this family having these experiences? Is there some sort of ghost that has come back to haunt them for some unknown reason? What’s taking place? A lot of people have these experiences. It’s part of who we are as humans, to have these so-called psychic experiences.”
Dr. Roll believes that memories can actually be transferred to physical objects. These residual memories can be triggered by ordinary people. 
It wasn’t long before Jim finally had his first strange experience. It started with a small bell. An early riser, Jim always got up hours before Kay. When Kay woke up, she would ring the bell if she needed anything upstairs. One day, Jim heard what he assumed was Kay ringing the bell:
“I’d grown used to climbing the stairs after hearing the bell. And so I did so, and it wasn’t Kay. She was asleep. So I went in and looked at the bell, and it was there. I obviously heard something else, other than the bell.” 
After the third time this happened, the Tatum’s decided to make up a code in order to outwit the entity. Kay would ring the bell three times if she wanted Jim to come upstairs. One morning Jim heard the call:
“It rang three times. I knew this was Kay, because this was our signal, but Kay was sound asleep. And the bell was in the other bedroom, where it stays. I went in and looked at it. I turned around and walked out the door, and the thing rang again! So, I began to, to see how Kay felt. I was frightened. My hair stood up on my neck. I told Kay then, no more bell. I’m not going to answer that bell anymore. And that bell has not rung since.” 
William Roll is no stranger to these types of incidents:
“There are a number of haunting cases that are not very striking, not very strong, but where the phenomenon is, nevertheless, quite disturbing to the family. It might be a bell ringing, a fleeting glimpse of an apparition. The events are trivial, but they’re deeply upsetting to the family because they don’t fit into the picture that most of us have of the world. And that image of the physical world, particularly of our home, is intricately related to who we picture ourselves as being.” 
In the end, things got so bad that the Tatum’s moved out of their home and put it up for sale. 


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