A mummified human heads, is regarded as the oldest examples of mummification in about 6000 years old, discovered in 1936. In Egypt, dates back to around 3300 mummifaction BC. In Egypt, Here, a man opened the coffin from the 26th Dynasty at Saqqara, Egypt.
Photo: Keystone / Getty Images Photo: Keystone / Getty Images 1 月 01, 1920
Photo: Keystone / Getty Images Photo: Keystone / Getty Images 1 月 01, 1920

This baby mummy, believed to have come from around the eighth century BCE (Before the Christian Era). Photo: Courtesy of Wang Da-Gang March 9, 2010 Photo: Keystone / Getty Images
an Egyptian mummy given salty substances, is used to dry the skin before a body in pakaiankan cloth with oil during the ceremony. These mummies come from the 17th dynasty of pharaohs, when the trophy at the Museum of Cairo, Egypt. This photo shows the two puncture marks spear believed to cause his death in battle.Photo: Getty Images, April 1, 2006, Photo: Courtesy of Wang Da-Gang March 9, 2010.

an Egyptian mummy given salty substances, is used to dry the skin before a body in pakaiankan cloth with oil during the ceremony. These mummies come from the 17th dynasty of pharaohs, when the trophy at the Museum of Cairo, Egypt. This photo shows the two puncture marks spear believed to cause his death in battle.

Unwrapped mummy, Dr. Rosalie David of Manchester Universit, still well preserved mummy of a girl estimated to die around 2000 years ago at about age 15.
Photo: John Madden / Getty Images June 11, 1975 
In 1998, an archaeological team led by professor of French Dunand Finding 60 mummies from around 50 in the Ain Labakha Tomb, the Roman fort in southwestern Egypt, including the mummy of a 10-year-old girl
Photo: Françoise DUNAND / AFP March 19, 1998